Finding a Studio - Part 2

This has been our biggest challenge yet. It is definitely a frustrating market, but there is light at the end of the tunnel. We have two spaces we are looking at and getting ready to make an offer. Fingers crossed that we obtain one of those spaces and we can start with the renovation process. We missed our initial goal of finding a space before June 30th, but we still want to provide the best space for our clients. Hopefully some good news is on the horizon.

Update (8/3/22) - We found our space. It was like love at first sight. The space is perfect for our needs, measuring in at 2800 square feet. When you walk in, you’re immediately greeted by a reception area, complete with a counter and sliding glass at the reception desk. There are five offices that we will convert to different sets. The rooms vary in size, and once we decide what we’ll do with these, we’ll be sure to add posts about them.

The space also has an 800 square foot warehouse space, under AC. This will be the perfect space for a large green screen and a separate cyclorama. We also plan to have several backdrops for photographers and influencers to come in and utilize them however they desire.


The Home Set


Funding Our First Project