Funding Our First Project

Getting involved in productions at various levels is what we are all about, so we are thrilled to assist in producing Faith Springs, a 30 minute, faith-based sitcom that is currently in production with their pilot episode. The story is about a man who recently comes home from New York City to help revitalize his family’s church, only to realize his battle to save his faith is more important. The sitcom has a modern feel of The Office or Parks & Recreation mixed with that old-school sitcom flair like Family Ties or Facts of Life. The production is being shot locally in the Orlando area, with a cast and crew made up of mostly central Floridians. However, one non-Floridian in the cast is actor Dean Cain, probably known best for his role of Superman in the TV show Lois & Clark. Our hope is that Faith Springs becomes a chance for people to sit down and enjoy a family orientated show that entertains and gives some important lessons along the way.


Finding a Studio - Part 2


Finding a Studio