Finding a Studio

Finding our place of business during this housing market (Spring 2022) has been borderline nightmarish. We have the financial backing to purchase a property instead of leasing one, which would be a solid investment in any market. However, we’ve been searching for that property for several weeks now. Our primary location is the west side of Orlando, preferably in the Winter Garden area. Property has either been too small or too expensive. We're now looking at property for lease, hoping that we can find a location that will meet our more immediate needs and continue the search for a more long term solution at the end of that lease. The most difficult part of this whole process is finding a property that fits what we want to do. 

It's important that we find a place that meets the needs of both photographers and filmmakers. The ideal location will have those spaces separate, so that we can book each of them simultaneously. We also want to find a location that will allow for a few other sets too. We want to be able to give filmmakers and photographers options on sets and backgrounds. This means having enough space to cater to all of their needs.

Though we’re writing this post on May 14th, it is scheduled for May 25th. So it’s our hope that we can update this between now and then with some positive news. Fingers crossed.

Update 5/24/22 - Still no options. Our goal of being up and running in an actual studio space is definitely becoming a challenge. We have a few potential options that we are getting ready to look at, so hopefully we’ll update this post soon. Stay tuned.


Funding Our First Project


The Idea