The Idea


In the Beginning


It all began with an idea, a Theory. How do I create a business where I can support other creatives in the Central Florida area? Can I really do this and risk leaving a career for it? See What I Used to Do for more details on my previous career. Starting a studio is something I’ve longed to do, but these weren’t easy questions to answer.

The hardest part is making your dream become reality. After I established an actual name for my studio, I sat down and literally wrote out what I wanted to accomplish - realistic goals. I wanted to give filmmakers and photographers a place where they enjoy creating. A place where their creativity could flow from them. A place where they felt like this was their studio as well. Basically, they create the story, and I provide the setting.

And that’s how my slogan was born. “Your Story Starts Here” just seemed like the perfect theme for Creative Theory Studios. It was at that point that I felt like I was on the right track. I began tinkering with my brand. I knew some of the basics, but I also know that there are better people out there and once I am up and running, I plan on using one of them to help further my brand. Now the important step is finding a home for Creative Theory Studios.


Finding a Studio


What I Used to Do