The Home Set

So now that we found a studio, the question then became - What do we put in it? We didn’t have to think very long, because an opportunity came knocking before we even had time to contemplate this dilemma.

Soon after finding the studio, we were contacted by JCFilms about the need for four sets for their newest production. They were looking for two bedrooms (one being in an assisted living facility), a conference room, and an office that could become office cubicles. In this post, were going to talk about the Home Set.

The room measures in at 13’6”x16’, giving us the ability to use the space as two rooms. On one side of the room, we placed a queen size bed. Each side of the bed has several feet of open space, allowing the flexibility for multiple camera angles. There are two end tables with lamps, and each lamp has Phillips Smart LED multi-color bulbs. We also have two different choices for bedding, giving the set an openness to change.

The other side of the room has a 78” full size couch with a coffee table in front. The large window in the room mimics a sliding glass door, giving the room a natural living room look and feel to it. All interior decor (provided by Snail’s Pace Crafts) can be interchanged with any other options from the other sets. The sets also have drop-ceiling scissor light clamps that can be moved anywhere along the ceiling.

These two sets allows other productions the flexibility to use the space as a small apartment, or home. For a tour of these sets and all of our others, please call the studio at (407)494-4864.


Why You Should Consider Using a Film Studio To Create Your Video Content


Finding a Studio - Part 2