How to Prepare for Your Self Tape Audition with a Studio

Your self tape is the first chance that anyone will have to see the real you. Some people take this very seriously and treat it like their life depends on it. Others are much more casual about it, but still want to project their best selves when doing so. With that in mind, how do you prepare for your self tape? Many people might be wondering if they should even put together a self tape on their own. Luckily, one way to ease yourself into the idea without feeling too self-conscious is to do your self tape in a studio. Here’s how you can prepare:


Change up your normal routine

If you normally tape yourself at home and then edit together some kind of video, you may want to switch things up and tape somewhere else. Trying to get used to being in a studio environment might feel weird if you’ve never done it before. This can also be helpful if you feel like you’re always in the same clothes, or that your surroundings are always messy. If you’re usually in a certain environment when taping yourself, make sure to try something different. It doesn’t matter if the studio is nicer than your living room, as long as you’ve got the idea. See what it feels like to be in a studio, maybe even with someone else in it with you. Sometimes, standing in your living room, wearing the same clothes, talking to the same messy table, and using the same camera might not feel as professional. Get used to the idea of being in a studio.


Figure out what you’ll be able to do in a studio

This is probably the most important thing that you can do to prepare for your self tape. If you’re not sure what you’ll be able to do in a studio, you’re going to have a very difficult time. What is “possible” will be very different than what “feels” comfortable. This will be especially true if you’ve never been in a studio before. Make a list of things that you’d like to do, or be able to accomplish, in a studio. Some possibilities include things like lighting a scene, putting on a mic, or even recording an entire script. Whatever you’d like to accomplish, make sure it’s something that might take you slightly out of your comfort level. Usually, studios like Creative Theory Studios, have the equipment that you need to make your self tape pop.


Practice makes perfect

Sometimes performing can be awkward. One of the best preventions of this awkwardness is to practice and there are many different ways to do this. The most common type is the “walk-through” type, where you walk through a scene and get to know the character, practice your lines, and maybe even do some improvisation. Another way to practice is to rehearse with a friend or family member. This can be helpful because you’ll be able to ask questions and get some feedback. You can also practice by rehearsing in front of a mirror. There is nothing more awkward than rehearsing lines to yourself in the mirror, but once you feel comfortable, it can be a real confidence booster. It also allows you to practice your reactions to the other character's lines. Whichever technique you use, the point is to rehearse.


How Coaching Can Help

Coaching can be a valuable tool when doing a self tape and if the studio offers it, it can make or break your audition. Having someone with experience working with actors can honestly give you an edge. They can help understand the tone or mood of the scene, or they can identify how the character should say certain lines. Inflection, tone, and emotion are just some of the important elements that make dialogue work. At Creative Theory Studios, our coach has over seven years of experience as a film and television director, working with some amazing talent over that time. He works directly with you, analyzing your scene and giving you the necessary feedback to create a winning self tape.


Final words

There’s a lot to think about when it comes to your self tape and preparing for it. Practice and knowledge of the character are huge factors to consider. If you’ve never done it before, you’ll probably feel a bit self-conscious. However, following some of these tips can ease yourself into it so that you don’t feel too self-conscious, and having a studio record your self tape is one gigantic advantage. Allow us at Creative Theory Studios to help you find that character's voice and nail that audition. Click on the BOOK NOW tab at the top of the page and book your self tape session now.


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