Comedy Can Heal the Heart

People often say that laughter is the best medicine. And who could argue with that? Laughter is one of the most effective ways to relieve stress, pain, and tension. It has been scientifically proven that watching funny videos or listening to jokes stimulates our brains in such a way that it helps us relax and de-stress. The more stressed we are, the less likely we are able to laugh at something funny. But why is this? What makes us uncomfortable makes us stronger too, right? The answer lies in our ability to unconsciously mimic the emotions of other people around us. When we see or hear something that reminds us of someone else, we subconsciously adopt their body language and facial expressions as well as their tone of voice to make ourselves feel what they felt at that particular moment or place too. In other words, when someone around us reacts with surprise, happiness, sadness, or frustration—we react likewise automatically without realizing it. The same thing happens when we watch a funny movie because the characters and situations become so familiar that it becomes easy for us to imitate them unconsciously by smiling too and laughing out loud like them do naturally in real life too even though we don’t understand the joke or understand why they’re laughing either!

What makes a funny movie?

The answer lies in the fact that humor is derived from incongruity: the fact that something can be easily understood, but also incongruously strange at the same time. The whole point of a comedy is to elicit a smile from us. The formula of a good comedy is simple: a situation, which would elicit a frown in real life, must be made fun of. In order to create humor, filmmakers use many methods. The most important one is the connection of nonconforming elements within a situation.

Put yourself in the shoes of the characters in your favorite comedies

Humor is derived from confusion, so the best way to understand it better is to put yourself in the shoes of the characters as they experience that confusion. For example, when a character in a movie is confused about his or her love life, you can relate to that too by putting yourself in the shoes of that particular character. This can also relate to the observation of someone or something else. Most pet owners could relate to seeing a dog or cat doing something ridiculous.

Understand why people laugh at comedy

Humor is incongruous, so to fully appreciate why we laugh at comedy, we must first understand what makes it funny. There are many theories about this, but there are two general ideas that have been adopted by psychologists. Firstly, humor has something to do with social norms. It challenges our expectations by disrupting our expectations. Secondly, humor has something to do with our nervous system. It is a way for the body to express itself that is more primal than verbal communication.

So when to watch a comedy…

So, when should you watch a comedy? If you want to relieve stress and pain, laughter is your best medicine. Studies have proven that when we laugh, our breathing and posture become more relaxed, and we feel less pain. How can you relieve stress and pain by just laughing? Humor is effective in reducing stress when we laugh. Stress is something that makes us nervous and anxious. It can be caused by our day-to-day job, family problems, money problems, etc. When we are under stress, we are likely to frown and be upset about the things that bother us. Humor can help relieve stress because it makes us laugh when we would normally frown.

When to watch a comedy?

The best times to watch a comedy are when you are feeling tense and anxious, such as when you are waiting in a long line or when you feel anxious about a big exam or interview coming up. Another example would be when you are feeling low because of your job situation or because of a breakup or a divorce. Watching a comedy then can help you relax and laugh it off. We have access to humor like never before. Just spend 5 minutes on Tik Tok and you’ll find plenty to laugh at.


Humor is one of the most effective ways to relieve stress and pain. It can also help you relax if you are feeling low, like after a breakup or when you are low on money. Laughter is good for your heart, as it reduces your blood pressure and increases the release of endorphins, which makes you feel better! So watch something funny because you can use humor to relieve stress and relax. You will be healthier and happier if you laugh more often. It is never too early or too late to find the funny in life, no matter where you are or what you are doing.


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